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25 Years of Bliss!

See Revolution Dating in the latest issue of Nostalgic America Magazine! Kelly Leary celebrates her silver anniversary by sharing 25 tips from her 25 years of matchmaking!

Check out the full article below:


25 Tips from my 25 years as THE Award-Winning Matchmaker

1. Know thyself. The biggest challenge I often witness as a matchmaker is when I have someone with a lack of self-awareness, i.e. a “7” who wants to go for a “10”. And let me be clear – this is not just about looks; it’s about the overall package each of us has to offer!

2. Practice kindness. There is nothing that’s a bigger turnoff than when a person comes into the gate – or a date, or a room, or a party – with a bad attitude. If you don’t practice kindness in life, love, work and play, you will reap what you sow.

3. First impressions matter. I’ve learned that your impression of a person is usually formed in the first 60 seconds! So make sure that your “hello” is a good one.

4. Love begets love. We have a rule in our office: “Only Love is Spoken Here!” Go on a date with this in mind and I guarantee you will probably get a second one!

5. You can buy love (sort of). Dates, dinners, gifts, cards, flowers, vacations, rings, weddings…there is no avoiding the “cost” of dating. A man may splurge for the first few dates, and a woman may get her hair done and buy a few new outfits and a new shade of lipstick. If you don’t invest, you won’t progress.

6. T.M.E. Rule: Dating is an investment of Time, Money, and Emotion. Any date is an investment of all three. With our pre-screening of members, relationships move along quicker and tend to be a better investment of TME at Revolution Dating.

7. Inner beauty trumps exterior beauty every day of the week. Looks don’t mean a thing when it comes to success in date-land. Exterior beauty might get you in the door, but can you get a second date? Inner beauty rules.

8. Believe in yourself. If you don’t, no one else will…including your date!

9. If you are striking out, look in the mirror and soul search. Are you doing everything you can to find love? Or are your expecting your matchmaker to deliver love to your doorstep like a pizza? Matchmaking is a collaboration. Connect, bond, show your good side, listen to feedback, give feedback, cooperate and be open to advice. If you go to your doctor and don’t listen to one word of his advice, fail to take your medicine, and remain sick, is it your doctor’s fault? No.

10. Exercise! This might seem unrelated to your love life, but trust me, it’s not! If you don’t MOVE, you won’t groove in any way in the singles scene. So don’t be a sloth if you want to be lucky in love.

11. Don’t be too picky. I have a female client who won’t date a man under 6’4″, literally. He has to be a tri-athlete, have a high net worth and must have blue eyes! If your criteria are this strict, be prepared to wait quite a bit longer than someone who is more open-minded. High standards are fine, as long as you know that the other person has to like YOU back!

12. Men bear the brunt of dating. So ladies, don’t abuse this and use them for a free meal! Always be courteous and say thank you!

13. Online dating is a risky roll of the dice. You could lose your time, money, and soul (T.M.E.) in the same way people lose themselves in Las Vegas! Stay too long, and you may never come back.

14. Always maintain an attitude of gratitude. This applies to your love life and far beyond.

15. The 80/20 Rule. If your relationship/date is 80% good and 20% questionable, give it the green light and continue. Otherwise, it’s time to do some serious soul searching. Is this the right fit for you?

16. The 50:50 Rule. This is about talking, not paying the tab! While dating, keep an eye on your conversation and your listening skills. Take turns. Your conversation should be shared equally. If someone is doing 90% of the talking, there is a problem.

17. When you break up, do it with class. Don’t break up through an email or text. Don’t be mean or nasty.

18. Grieving is tough, and everyone has their own timeline. You will know when you are ready to get back in the game. In this day and age, seniors are dating after loss of spouse, and they are finding love again. But always avoid comparisons. You are looking for someone new who will be a good companion in the here and now.

19. Love over 65 is easier than you think! I am not even intimidated by aging anymore, as I watch my clients have fun well into their 80s.

20. Don’t delay real romance in your 30s. Don’t wait until you’re 37 or 38 to get serious about your search for a life-long partner. Women shouldn’t do this for obvious reasons, but men shouldn’t either. When men wait too long to start the process, I have noticed they become too picky, jaded, and labeled negatively.

21. Cowards never start, winners never quit, and quitters never win. Don’t ever quit on love. Remember, fear is the opposite of love.

22. Join a love movement of some kind. Stand up for something in your life that is GOOD. Be part of the solution to the problems of the world. Don’t be part of the problem.

23. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. This rings true in and out of my club.

24. Connect with others. People who have good relationships and friendships of any form are the happiest people alive. Togetherness is happiness.

25. Dating is a journey, not a destination. This rings true even after we find you the right one. There will be highs and there will be lows. Learn from these experiences. Grow with your partner.

Thank you so much for “Following the Matchmaker” for 25 years! Your happiness is my happiness, and every night I pray about love, and I wish you all love, especially my clients and my amazing TEAM that has been with me for years.

I hope you join us on our mission to LOVE MORE. There will be a huge celebration this April to honor my silver anniversary in the industry. There is no better time to begin. Our celebrations abound and we are expanding by leaps and bounds in the coming months! Beat the rush and register today!

Much Love & Gratitude, Kelly

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