Revolution Dating Changes Lives One Love at a Time
Kelly Leary would like to put an end to the belief that “all of the good ones are taken.” The founder and chief matchmaker of Revolution Dating knows firsthand that this negative statement simply isn’t true.
“I meet amazing, available people in my office every day,” Leary said. “They’re nice on the inside and out.”
The thousands of clients she has served in the matchmaking business have also seen for themselves that there are plenty of good men and women who are still looking for love – and with Leary’s help, they are finding it.
Greg (who asked that his last name not be used) of Jupiter is just one success story of many. He was divorced several years ago after 14 years of marriage.
“It was kind of a shock to me,” he said. “I spent the first nine to 12 months getting my head back together.”
He tried various online services with limited success before turning to Leary and Revolution Dating.
“Kelly really has a good heart and is in this for the right reasons,” Greg said. “It’s a lot more personal and I’m glad I did it.”
He met a woman at one of the Revolution Dating parties and the two have been together for seven months.
“I’ve been really happy with the program,” he said. “It’s nice to walk in a place and know everyone has been pre-screened and they’re all in this for the same reasons. For someone who’s a little bit shy, it’s great.”
Getting involved with Revolution Dating – or “the club,” as Leary refers to it – is much more involved than signing up with an online service. Taking the time to thoroughly screen individuals ensures the integrity and quality of the club members. Leary is not interested in applicants who may be looking for someone to pay their rent, mortgage or other bills.
The process begins with a phone interview with a well-trained staff member, followed by a private meeting with Leary. With a master’s degree in clinical psychology and 23 years of experience in the dating industry, she has a very particular line of questioning and has developed a formula that works.
Once accepted into the club, various packages are offered. Both men and women pay club dues.
“Everyone has to have skin in this game,” Leary said. “It keeps you honest and sincere. We’re not the cheapest dating club in town and we’re also not the most expensive in the country. We’re fairly priced to separate the men from the boys. It’s an investment – you’re not trying to get a date – this is a life-changing experience.”
In addition to suggesting possible matches between club members, Revolution Dating also organizes and hosts monthly matchmaking events that range from casual kayak trips to elegant events in Palm Beach. Once a year in April, she hosts Love-Fest, an invitational event that includes couples who were set up 10 or more years ago.
Club member Gwen Carden of Stuart was particularly impressed with the special event she attended.
“Everyone was beautifully dressed and Kelly and the staff circulated, making introductions,” Carden said. “I got the feeling this was the environment I should really be in to meet people – a high level of education and good social skills. I had a very good time at that event.”
Like Greg, Carden had tried the online dating option prior to joining Revolution Dating and was not impressed with the quality of people.
“It also was unnerving to meet people you didn’t know anything about,” she said. “They could tell you anything about themselves and unless you hired a private detective, you wouldn’t know if what they told you was true or not.”
Leary’s pre-screening includes a background check and much more to address such concerns.
These events also enable clients to determine if there’s chemistry with another person before going out on a date. Because of the extensive interviewing Leary and her staff do, they have a good sense of who might make a good couple, but sometimes a person’s unspoken qualities and chemistry don’t necessarily translate onto paper, and that’s where the events become helpful.
For people who don’t like group gatherings, Leary offers private, one-on-one setups where photos are exchanged and the man is given the women’s phone number.
“We have revolutionized the way people find love, literally, one date at a time,” said Leary. “Anyone who knows us knows we’re changing lives, making people happy, and connecting people in a much easier manner because we take so much of the guesswork out of it.”
To learn more about Revolution Dating, call (561) 630-XOXO (9696) or visit
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