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Sunday, July 12, 2015

NEXTING: 5 Steps to Getting Past a Break Up

“You’ll never find the right person if you don’t let go of the wrong one.”

Being single again after a long relationship can be an uncomfortable experience. After all, we live in a “couples world”. If you find yourself faced with this challenge, here are five steps to make the transition to your “NEXT” easier.

1.) Know “this too shall pass”. There is a grieving process when a relationship ends. Embrace it, but keep it short and commit to a healthier “next” time. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t take the blame. It takes two! The temporary pain of grief will help you let go of the old relationship and move on. When you are ready for the next relationship you will know it, so be prepared to act when the time comes. Don’t be fear-based. Get back on the horse and be smarter about your choices next time.

2.) Start small. Finding new people to talk to and new circles to socialize in is a huge part of the healing process. Put yourself in front of new, quality, single people. New friends means new connections! All of the good ones are not taken…look in the mirror! (I can’t say that enough).

3.) Revolutionize Your Image. Oftentimes, getting too comfortable in a relationship means we tend to let ourselves go. Maybe you could use a new outfit or two, a new shade of lipstick &/or a visit to the salon or barber for a newer look. It’s time to shed the past and step towards the future! Now is the time to do what’s best for YOU. GET ON BOARD AND START YOUR OWN REVOLUTION OF LOVE!!!! It’s your turn so make it count. Life is short!

4.) Spend time with people who support and energize you. Stay away from negativity and people who seem to be in a rut of their own. It is so important to surround yourself with positive people who support the fact that you are moving forward. In my office, we call positive forward thinking people “revolutionaries”. So seek out a network of “revolutionaries” and watch the good times roll in!

5.) Invest in YOU. You are full of worth and deserve love in your life! Don’t forget how important you are in this world. Treat yourself to the things you always wanted but couldn’t get because your partner wouldn’t approve; splurge on the things that will make you happy. You work hard, you’re raising or have raised great kids—isn’t it your turn now? Spoiling yourself for a bit isn’t a bad thing. Don’t worry about the cost of your new life! If not now, then when? None of us are getting any younger (darn it!!!).

Remember, moving forward will pave the way for your next relationship. You owe it to yourself to try, try again! Always keep in mind that thoughts become reality. Your next and greatest love is ahead of you–mainly because you believe it to be true!

I look forward to meeting you in my private office! Nothing beats a good personal revolution! I see it daily and we are having a blast! Join us!

Kelly XoXo

#BeRevolutionary #TheTimeIsNow #SummerLove2015


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