by: Kelly Leary, M.S., The Florida Matchmaker
Have you noticed the holiday sizzle has started early this year? We have here and it is very exciting. So, if you are single, know that you have options AND if you are taken do tell your friends! This would be the coolest topic to share with your single friends and family who are feeling a little lonely this time of year. It’s always nice to have something to look forward to, right? When people ask “why are you still single?” simply respond “not for long” (because you have the pros in your back pocket). Your smile will be bigger all month long simply because you took action.
Truth be told, singles have FIVE things on their mind right now: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW because no one wants to be single this time of year. This is our early gift to you. We thank you for reading our column for so many years! For our new readers, we thank you for sharing your time with us today. We look forward to meeting you soon in our office for your private dating consultation. You will learn a lot about yourself in the first hour with us. It will all be our secret too :). Tired of online dating shenanigans or being “out there” for all to see? Read on for the answers.
WHO: Focus on you! You do have a good life–there is just one thing missing. Self-love is key. You have so much to offer. You are a catch…but you can’t be caught doing the same old same old that got you here. THIS is the moment to spread your wild wings and connect with another human that loves and appreciates you. Look for someone who knows how to love and is not fatally broken like so many may be these days. Create your idea of what love could look like during the holiday season. Don’t give in to the social pressure and clichéd picture of holiday couples. It’s only November and you could pair off too. Recently, I had a couple become engaged after just four weeks of dating.
WHAT: Accept the inevitable facts of what is about to happen. The holiday season can be very demanding and challenging when it comes to the stigma of being single. Thanksgiving, for example, is typically portrayed as an artificially picturesque image of hugs and laughter and “perfect couples” cozying up on the couch. Yet, for the majority of Americans, that is not the case whatsoever. Interestingly, stats point to around 30% of the population likely spending Thanksgiving completely alone this year. This is why you need to take action sooner than later. What is the order of the day: Change.
WHERE: Where will you be? Remember, single people were kind of “stuck” this time last year and for much longer than the holidays. We know divorces and break-ups soared in the last 22 months. Thousands of single adults moved to Florida in the last year from all around the country. This means MORE AVAILABLE QUALITY MEN and WOMEN. Many of our new clients are new to the area entirely and they know no one. Caveat: If you are traveling, it is a good idea to meet us for your first appointment BEFORE you go. This will give us a head start.
WHEN: Make that one decision now and start today. At the end of the day, enjoying the holidays comes down to your mindset and attitude. If you are single right now, just knowing you are doing something about it (as in following our guide) will raise your energy and mood immensely. You will have HOPE. You will be ditching the dating apps and upgrading your odds of romance this season. Take this as a unique chance to revisit and reframe your expectations. Don’t be so hard on yourself. This is the one decision that could and will change your trajectory (in love) forever. That’s the goal. If you don’t have FOREVER PARTNER at this very moment, taking action will give you peace and faith for the weeks to come.
HOW: Hit your DELETE button. Let go of your fears. The past is officially over and behind you now. Get moving in the here and now. Leave your comfort zone. Some have risen to the occasion and seized the day and likely this describes you (since you are reading this column). One thing is for certain: Pandemic Era Love is on the rise right now–so don’t miss the good positive energy around you. Commit now while the market is hot. Timing is everything and “couples season” has begun! The odds of pairing off in November and December are in your favor.
The bottom line is: You have been thinking about this for a while. You don’t want to be single. It’s been too long solo or in the wrong relationship. Do something different for you and find out what’s happening HERE too. Discover what’s new at Revolution Dating.
Can’t wait to bring you up to date and to get you dating before the ball drops!
Carpe Diem and Happy Thanksgiving!
XoXo, Kelly & The Revolution Dating Team
#LoveOffline #LoveLocal #RestartSmart #FirstResponderSpecialsAllMonth #TellYourFriends
Kelly Leary© has 31 years in the dating industry and a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She’s been profiled by ABC News, The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News, etc.. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened including background checks. Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is not online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club membership, Kelly and her team also provide feedback from your dates when appropriate. Call 561-630-XOXO (9696) or 772-932-HERE (4373) for a LIVE interview with a matchmaker for the quickest service. You may also visit us at *All inquiries are confidential.