By Kelly Leary©, Founder of Revolution Dating
“A Very Merry Season, and a Happy New Year.
Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.”
As I sit at my desk, writing the December issue of The Singles Scene for the thirteenth year in a row, I am filled with sense of gratitude and nostalgia. We have changed the way Florida singles find love, one date at a time, which is what my team and I dreamed of years ago. Dreams really do come true (as you have seen week to week in my column, in the press, and in our multiple success stories). This is our busiest season and rightfully so, people fall in love during the holidays more than any other time of year. It is the season of magic and miracles. It is the season to love and be loved–more so this year than any year before. Twenty-twenty has been a wild ride for all of us. I hope you come out of 2020 with a renewed position of priorities and beliefs, like I have done.
Lets face it though, his time of year can bring on the Holiday Blues, ESPECIALLY now if you don’t set your intentions and stick with them. We may think of loved ones that are no longer with us and we may also be paralyzed by fear of going to a party “single” while everyone else is paired off. We may be afraid to go anywhere at all because of Covid…even to family gatherings…and where does this leave single people? It is a couples world, but not everyone is a part of a duo now for whatever reason. Please read on to learn how to navigate the holiday season and end the year strong with ease and elegance! By following my advice today, you just might have a “Plus One” by the time the ball drops–in person or via zoom–there will be and can be a sense of connectedness this quickly in our club.
If you find yourself single, divorced or widowed this month, this is your wake-up call. You don’t have to go it alone. You don’t have to dwell on your sad moments and memories. You can make new ones. This is my gift to you! Now it is your turn, friend. Give yourself the gift of LOVE this year. For this gift shall last a lifetime.
The UPSIDE of Being Single in December:
1. You don’t have to buy your romantic partner something you don’t like as a gift. This long list includes but is not limited to a third drill to add to his tool collection or ANOTHER bracelet for her? She has enough jewelry, right? By the way, gentlemen, most women will not decline jewelry. It is what it is. Most men in love, enjoy making their lady happy. If you don’t enjoy making your woman happy in December, maybe you should be doing some thinking. Is it you? Maybe you are S.O.L. in the love area because you are stingy? I.E. Don’t be a Grinch. Any. Time. Of. Year.
2. You can pick and choose where you want to go for holiday gatherings. Yeah! No more long drives to the in-laws! Double-yeah!
3. You have more time for you and your family since you no longer have to split your time between families. Do things and celebrate the way you want to and the way you always did prior to your last relationship. Find your inner child again! How did you celebrate as a young person? Do more of this for you. You may not have another single status holiday season, so take advantage of this freedom now. What fun!
The DOWNSIDE of Being Single in December:
1. People will feel sorry for you, no matter what you say or think.
2. You will be asked endless irritating questions that make your skin crawl: “Why are you still single? You are so pretty.” or “Why don’t you try online dating?” Suddenly everyone is an expert, right? No one walks in your shoes and only you know what you need to do next and you should make a move now because you can. Why? No one else is running the show, Captain!
3. You will have no one to kiss on New Year’s Eve (the most important kiss of the year). This is the biggest bummer of all, so hopefully you will call us when you read this column and we can preempt the issue for you! Call it Damage Control.
4. You will be sleeping alone every night, even on the most romantic nights of the year. No matching couples jammies for you this year, but let’s aim for next year, right? (There’s the attitude so just play it forward and don’t wait and wait on the fence like you sometimes do. Covid is not an excuse. Where there is a will there is a way.)
THE GRAND SOLUTION: Dodge the single bullet offline! (No matter what your age is–30 or 80–this can be done!) As you know, THE Award-Winning Matchmakers can increase your odds of finding authentic and attractive people to date with one simple phone call…the same way we have changed tens of thousands of lives over the last 29 years! It’s tough being single, newly single, or a widow/widower this time of year. Just flip the coin over and get proactive. The BEST gift you can give yourself this month does not come in a box. The gift of love (from YOU to YOU) will lift your spirits instantly. When your relatives and friends say “You are still single?”…You can confidently say “Not for long!” and leave it at that. Nothing more needs to be said and the action of doing something about it will change your whole month. Period.
Pity many of your married friends that are faking it through the holiday “as if they were happy.” YOU are in a great situation. YOU are the designer of your love life and you will choose who to kiss on when the clock strikes midnight for 2021, with our help, of course. So let’s get going. Your future match is waiting for you to register in my club and they are likely reading this same column at this very moment. Birds of a feather flock together.
To close, one more time: “So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year older and a new one just begun. And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun.” I wish you happiness. This is our birthright. Go out there and make this a memorable holiday season! Keep love and hope as your guiding light, and you won’t go wrong. Let LOVE guide you. Still stuck between fear and love? Choose love, silly goose.
Let’s unite, bond, love, and connect. December holds a mirror up to you and asks, “What do you want?” I know what you want because you are reading this column. The next step is your responsibility (make your appointment to meet us) and we will take care of the rest.
Wishing you an extraordinary Holiday Season and a Happy New Year 2021! Let the good times roll!
Thank you for sharing your year with me once again. We are all in this together!
XoXo, Kelly
#BeatTheHolidayRush #JoinTheLoveMovementToday #HolidayLove #JoinUs #GetConnected #LoveOffline #TellYourFriends
Kelly Leary© has 29 years in the dating industry and a Master’s Degree in Psychology. ABC News, The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News, etc. have profiled her. Revolution Dating members are prescreened including background checks. Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is not online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club membership, Kelly also holds private zoom meetings by request. Revolution Dating services all adults regardless of preference, by request. Please call our Hotline at 561-630-XOXO (9696), 772-932-HERE (4373), or 954-420-XOXO (9696) for to speak to a LIVE matchmaker. You may also visit us at *All Inquiries are Confidential.