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Last Call for Your Summer of Love 2015

The Singles Scene Column                                        August 2nd 2015

Last Call for  Your Summer of Love 2015

by Kelly Leary, M.S., Founder & President of Revolution Dating

Is it August already?  This summer has flown by…children are already prepping to go back to school and Labor Day is around the corner.  Before you know it Halloween, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas will be here.  Yes, the holidays will be upon us in the blink of an eye.  No one likes having Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner alone.  Right?  Time moves fast so lets plan ahead for a wonderful end to 2015.

We plan our future so diligently regarding our finances, our career, and our health or at least, we should be planning.  Do you plan for your love life as well?  Most of us do not.  Maybe that is why the divorce rate is so high.  If you are one of the many that do not plan ahead for a good love life, then you should start now … and maybe your next true love will be the greatest love of all.  For those of you who are single and read this column regularly, or are newly single, you should take this “time out” to think about the next love of your life.  If you know you don’t want to be alone (and who does?!), then you should position yourself to be around the right types of “single people”.

It is not at all uncommon to settle for the first man or woman that comes along in an effort to avoid being alone.  Don’t let “loneliness avoidance” be your motivation.  Instead, be motivated by finding the right match for you, in essence, your paradigm will shift, and you will be on the right track for finding a healthy relationship which should become your new highest motivator.

Go after your hearts desire, just like you’d go after anything else you want…that great business deal or that great car you have had your eye on.  Whatever drives you–add in a healthy loving relationship.  You’ve probably heard it over and over from your friends, family, and work associates that its time to find your special man or woman, especially if they know that you want to be in a relationship.  Watching TV alone on the week-ends or being the third or fifth or seventh wheel at a party gets old really fast.  Not to mention–it’s just not necessary.  There are solutions–right in front of you.

Being single isn’t easy and hopefully, its only a temporary situation for you.  So, be smart.  Consider your singledom as a time of self-growth, an awakening to life and  finding happiness and love that lies within so that you can move on to sharing your love with someone else.  If you are reading this article you are ready to meet new people.  Try doing some things spontaneously…something fun….out of the ordinary where someone somewhere will notice you.

No matter what you decide to do with your “Love Life Plan”, do make one.  In addition, please be persistent and positive.  Visualize a loving relationship and you will have one soon.  It’s up to you.  It’s in your hands–literally.  Don’t stop believing!!!

Love & Luck, Kelly  xoxo
Palm beach

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