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Lucky In Love Party: A HUGE Success!

Here are a couple of cell pics from Thursday’s Lucky in Love Party…more to come from our head photographer Don West! Great to see everyone once again!!! We had over 80 of our favorite VIPs looking amazing as always! Matches abound and we will be alerting all today with good news of mutual interest! Thank you to Eddie and Armando, owners of Angry Moon Cafe! You are gracious, warm, and welcoming co-hosts! We love working with you all! Thanks to my revolutionary staff for nailing another fantastic evening of love and luck!!! The best of the best of the best!

Call.Meet.Love. 561-630-XOXO (9696)

#‎RevolutionDating‬ ‪#‎LuckyInLove2016‬ ‪#‎DonWestPhotography‬ ‪#‎TellYourFriends‬

Here is a photo of Kelly Leary with her beau David and the Vice President, Rachel McKee!

Here is Kelly pictured with our awesome photographer Don West!

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