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(917) 905-2006

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(561) 630-9696

Treasure Coast

(772) 932-4373

Exclusive memberships available NOW! Call or fill out the form today to begin your love movement!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

#‎RDTeam‬ strikes again like a moth to a flame…we are out doing ourselves each day…each match and event. Our clients are happier then ever and so are we! So thankful to be surrounded by so many incredible souls. My cup runneth over with gratitude for my sexy law man who saved the day yesterday and literally started the party without us as the Mr. Hostest with the Mostest (we were stuck in a photo shoot a few blocks away). Special thanks to my bestie guy pals Don West and George K. for handling the Angels during our 3 hour photo shoot. Thank you Veronica for doing our hair and make up, once again, and making us even more beautiful! A most heartfelt thanks to my Team who truly make every moment special. We are so committed to the happiness of each other (as a Team) and our clients it’s magical to witness. I’ve never seen anything Iike it in my 24 years in the biz and in other businesses to be honest.

#‎JustGettingStarted‬ ‪#‎RevolutionDatingRocks


#‎StayTunedForPartyPhotosAndMore‬ ‪#‎DonWestPhotography‬ ‪#‎RDRituals‬


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