An email from Revolution Dating’s Newest successful “Taken” Member
“Hi Kelly and Rachel. Hope all is well. Just wanted to give you a update
and also to thank you. I must say that I had pretty much given up on
finding love again but decided to take a chance and join the Revolution
Dating team. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up
being the biggest step of your life. While attending a Revolution event
I met the person for me. We had a immediate connection and believe it or not
he has many of the qualities that I listed on my profile. It is clear
that we are meant for each other. I feel that taking that small step and
signing up for Revolution Dating is what ultimately brought us together
and that is something that I want to thank you both for.
So I am now officially “taken”. I have attached a photo of us.
His name is Robert and he is awesome!! Thanks
again. Love you guys!! Kathryn Clark”