Boo-Friend or Ghoul-Friend?
“In our office, let love abide, and bless all those who step inside!”–Plaque on the Wall of Revolution Dating
Are you spooked by love? It’s a wild and daunting world out there and it’s important to be careful whose door you knock on! The good news is that we’re here to be your light in the darkness. We hear exciting stories daily in our offices. Recently a divorcée said: “Kelly, thank you so much for introducing us…we are really enjoying our time together. I would have never found her without you.” Many of our forties and fifties members have survived a divorce, and our senior members are typically widows and widowers. All have one thing in common: they are not spooked (to paralysis) by love and you shouldn’t be either! Despite the fact that research shows that marriage rates are on the decline and divorce is on the rise, there is still hope for YOU. In other words, don’t let the risks of social media, online dating, and Ashley Madison drive you to become a “relationship outlaw!” Know that in Palm Beach & Martin Counties alone 47-51% are single and YES there are a lot of quality singles in that mix…look in the mirror! Here are some surefire ways to prevent LOVE from being a ghost in your heart.
Beware and walk away from “key board warriors” and online dating repeat offenders. Heed the Texting Trap…men are asking women out via text, women are breaking up with men via text, and high voltage words are exchanged that would have NEVER been said in person. Many singles have “textationships” in lieu of relationships. For some, cyber life is replacing real life. “E-Love” is actually being mistaken for real love and it’s just NUTS, isn’t it? All of this makes romance tricky, but there is hope! Where there is love, there is always hope.
At Revolution Dating, we encourage our clients to look beyond “the hood of the car” and to become friends first. We have so many new and attractive people joining our club daily…and there is BIG power in numbers. We have events that not only involve new clients, but many of our existing couples come and are great testimonies to the success of the club.
In contrast to other dating clubs and online dating services, Revolution Dating is no assembly line just spitting out single people and letting them fend for themselves. In fact, that would be counter-revolutionary. We should all be on a mission to unite, to bond, and to friend one another. We are a part of the Love Movement. We are not afraid and you shouldn’t be either!
Increase your odds of finding quality people to date, and avoid looking for love in all the wrong places. Don’t sit home gun shy because you were hurt before. The more we love each other, the more love we will receive. The more we argue and condemn, the more negativity we will receive from the Universe–FACT. If we don’t apply to the school of love now…it will be too late soon and YOU are not getting any younger. We should all be fearless when it comes to LOVE. As we say in my office: Let love rule!
Treat yourself this month. Don’t settle for a boo-friend or a ghoul-friend when you can find a better match with us! The scariest part is making the first phone call to our office, luckily, loving agents are standing by to help you. We look forward to seeing many of you movers and shakers at our 10th Annual Halloween Gala!! It’s going to be a revolutionary party! We urge you to reserve your place in the club now.
I look forward to meeting you soon!
Kelly XoXo
#BeRevolutionary #TheTimeIsNow #FallIntoLove