If your social calendar is filling up with invites and you are concerned about going solo, don’t fret, because holiday romance is closer then you think. Nothing beats the feeling of being in love–especially during the holiday season. The biggest issue remains: “Where do you go to meet quality singles?” Well, the answer is simple, as you may know by now if you have been following the revolution of love. It is a magical time of year in the love business, and I am grateful to have been given the key to help all of you. Thank you for “Following the Matchmaker” again!
In my 24 years of experience in the business, I’ve seen how much the dating industry has grown. I have learned so much and I am sharing all of my experience with you. Men and women have become more comfortable using our services to find new love. In fact, what was once considered a last resort method of dating is now considered mainstream. According to CBS News 66% of Americans over the age of 18 have used online dating…which has paved the way for our private brick and mortar business. Furthermore, television shows like The Millionaire Matchmaker and The Bachelor support the message to look outside your comfort zone. As a result of all this change in dating…hiring a Matchmaker has become just as common as hiring a C.P.A.. For these reasons and many more, we thank online dating and television for driving the quality singles right to our front door!
More than ever before, online daters have become extremely disenchanted with the risky anonymity of the internet. According to Pew Research Center, 2/3 of online daters never actually meet any of their matches in real life! Talk about fantasy land!!! Get real people! They never get to the actual “date” stage, because fraudulent profiles, outdated phony photos and misleading information is so rampant on these sites. In contrast, at Revolution Dating, we meet everyone face to face…separating the good from the bad. This is much more like meeting thru a “friend” via introduction.
For people that might have checked out a dating service years ago: the biggest change in the industry is the quality of the clientele. Years ago, people used a dating service because they couldn’t get a date. Today, the people who walk into our offices have dated a bit, but the bar scene and online dating just isn’t for them. Many join because they are too busy to look, don’t meet quality singles or are new to the area.
Our members can get dates–the problem is they are not meeting the right type at the right time. Two people have to be open to love and romance at the same time in order to make a true connection.
Best of all, unlike the bar scene and online dating, we don’t let everyone in, as our members are carefully pre-screened over the phone before they can even get an appointment. In addition, we take the photos ourselves — so there are no surprises on a first date. The person actually looks like their photograph. This saves our clients time (not to mention money) on the wrong dates.
Revolution Dating is experiencing the biggest boom in years. People want to share their life with someone special. Our members want to be in a meaningful relationship. They’re done with “happy hour” and ready for long-term happiness. We’ve helped hundreds of local people find long-lasting love and companionship. There is no better time then this Holiday Season to do something spectacular for YOU. So ask yourself this: Do I deserve love in my life? If your answer is yes—then by all means—follow your dreams and take the steps to make them come true.
So, don’t go it alone, this holiday season. That special someone is waiting for you…here. Let’s fill up your social calendar and attend parties in tandem. “One is the loneliest number, two is perfect, and three is a crowd.”
Let’s start December right, and think about YOU first. As they say, “a happy mommy is a happy child!” Or “a happy boss is a happy staff!” If you are not happy with your love life, it will effect EVERYTHING you touch. This December, BE THE CHANGE, and give yourself the gift of LOVE. Believe me, if we get started today, you just may get that amazing New Years kiss…not to mention Valentines Day. Play it forward, think ahead, celebrate love and life and remember…leaving your comfort zone is a great thing. I would know.
Thank you for sharing part of your Sunday with me again! I can’t wait to meet you! Do call soon as our calendar is filling up this month and I want to be sure we have a place for you. As a bonus, mark your calendar for our annual Grande Finale 2015 party coming soon! One step in my office and you will know you are on the right course.