Today we are sharing the COVER STORY featured in the local PBG Lifestyle Magazine, February edition.
Full text of the article is included below.
Revolution Dating is Making Matches and Changing Lives
Written by: Lee Hershfield
Photography by: Alicia Donelan
Kelly Leary’s happily effusive personality seemingly knows no bounds, and that is wonderful news for the clients of Revolution Dating. Her always stylish appearance is additionally cloaked in warm smiles, and welcomes entrants into an exclusive club with a single-minded motivation: to bring people together.
Freeway of Love
Inside Revolution Dating’s PBG offices, you will be drawn to a wall of success stories; there are magazine and newspaper clippings extolling Leary’s success and her clients’ journeys to love. This year marks Leary’s silver anniversary as a matchmaker, which will be celebrated in style by Revolution Dating and their clients. Integrity, attention to detail and a professional staff have pioneered the way for Leary and Revolution Dating to become the unrivaled experts and “go-to” service to navigate the tall grass of love.
With a master’s degree in clinical psychology, Leary is ideally suited to lead her staff in achieving the best outcomes for Revolution’s clients (known as “revolutionaries”). The team of matchmakers and extensive support, who joyously self-identify as Cupids, have earned their bows and arrows by virtue of paving the freeway of love for your smooth ride.
Love Potion no. 9
“In order to make a good match, the first thing that you need are two good candidates who are ready for love,” explains Leary about the science of matchmaking. “When you are dating people either online or in a bar, you are meeting people who may be in love with someone else [or] married to someone else. Dating while married is rampant on the online dating sites.”
Kelly Leary’s happily effusive personality seemingly knows no bounds,
Leary emphasized that when prospective clients arrive at Revolution Dating, they are ready to join forces with her team, and it is Revolution’s job to ensure that they are happy with their choice. She went on to explain Revolution’s philosophy and their proven methodology: “We complete a relationship history and analysis – much like a doctor would take a medical history and we determine if this person is a good candidate for our club and if they are ready for love.
We determine if they are sincere and financially secure,” said Leary, referencing her baseline science of matchmaking. She noted that the processes of a telephone prescreening, an in-person interview and rigorous vetting of potential club members ensure that her clients have “skin in the game.”
No Ordinary Love
Love’s happiness is not just an illusion for those who place their trust with Revolution Dating.
I can’t do the bar scene,” said John Earman, a client of Revolution Dating. “The confidentiality was a big part of my decision to join. It’s a very private process.”
Earman will be wed in the spring to another Revolution client, Heidi Riggs. Earman had several pleasant dates arranged by Revolution prior to meeting Heidi. The customary process of biographies being exchanged via a Cupid intermediary and the subsequent measurement of interest in one another was followed by a phone conversation between John and Heidi, which culminated in a dinner date.
“They [Revolution Dating] have a good filter process,” Earman said. “Heidi’s interests and activities were in common with mine.”
Earman never imagined that he would meet his future wife through Revolution Dating. He admits to not fully understanding how he was matched with Heidi, but what he does know is telling: “In my professional life I’ve dealt with people who do many things, and I may not know how the nuts and bolts go together, but I do know professionalism and I have a great feel for it. Sometimes you just have to go with that, and that’s why I chose Kelly and Revolution Dating.”
“Her insights about me were pretty spot on,” said “C” of Kelly Leary. C, a public figure and Revolution Dating client, requested anonymity for the purposes of this story. Divorced and uncomfortable with friends arranging blind dates, C chose Revolution Dating and like many Revolution clients, C cites the high standards of professionalism, rigorous vetting process and strict confidentiality that Leary and her staff embrace.
“Kelly knows what works and what doesn’t work. The company is not a flash in the pan; they’ve been around awhile and I’m very satisfied with my decision,” said C, who is excited about a recent match that bodes well for a long-term relationship.
All you need is Love
Kelly Leary measures success in smiles, which abound inside Revolution’s offices and at their parties, which afford their exclusive clientele an alternative venue to meet one another. These well-staged gatherings embody the joie de vivre that is Leary and her matchmaking team. And if you seek consummate professionals to build your bridges across the rapids known as the dating scene, look no further than Revolution Dating. Love is all you need. PBG
To learn more about Revolution Dating, call (561) 630-XOXO (96963) or visit