For those of you who are truly looking for Love and/or Companionship, here are five easy steps to increase your attractor factor before you can say “Trick or Treat”. (Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Missing Secret, was an inspiration for this article). If you follow these five steps, you will find your SPECIAL SOMEONE sooner then later. No time like the present to start a revolution of love! I would know!!! Just follow your dreams and do it, it will pay off. Thank me later!
Realize what you don’t want…or shall I say who you don’t want. This could include a list of Ex’s for some. Better yet, it should include a list of traits you cannot tolerate in a companion such as, smoking, unkindness, poor financial management, etc.
Make a list of what you do want. Define exactly what you want. I would do it on paper as well (annoying to do but it helps). Do you want a relationship? Do you want to be married? Do you just want to date some wonderful new people? What characteristics are you looking for in the people you’d like to date? I.E. Smart, sincere, financially secure…must love dogs, kids, and YOU MOSTLY!!?
Know thyself. When you really think about finding this man or woman mentioned in number two, do you think he or she is out there? Did you have any negative thoughts? If so, why? Is there anything stopping you from finding this person? If your question is: “Where do I find him or her?”—I have the answer. If it’s anything else, then you need to do a little soul searching, before you come see me. Whatever the case maybe—put it behind you. Start over and commit to your own revolution.
Find a support system, read some good books, pray a little more, take a yoga class. Clear your head of self-doubt. We are all lovable…know it…live it. When you know what you want and you believe in yourself, THEN AND ONLY THEN would I want to meet you, and not sooner. (I’m saying this with love, because I want to find it for you.)
Feel the Love. This is pretty easy. You have heard of “visualizing” your goal. Sports stars do it all the time. They don’t see themselves dropping the ball! That’s silly, isn’t it? This is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful in many aspects of life (not to mention LOVE). So why would our purpose—“attracting the love you want”—be any different? Just visualize it as if it’s already happening to you. How would you feel if you were in a happy loving relationship? If you’ve been there before—how did it feel? How did you walk? How did you talk? How did you think? Imagine the feelings you would have—the look on your face—the peace in your heart—and try to be there emotionally. You may have to practice a little and remind yourself to do this when doubt rears its ugly head. Practice the feeling of happiness, peace and love in the here and now…this will speed up the process of attracting love. There is much to the power of the mind. Einstein believed it too! Imagine good things happening to you, and they will. Sink yourself with fear and doubt, and you will have a long lonely life (and I’m quite sure, you will blame everyone else for it).
“Let it be. Let it be.” When you approach a person with angst or excessive eagerness—you’re over doing it. When you want someone “too” badly then you are bound to miss the mark. Be at peace whether you win or lose. Detach from your desire in a sense. Let this step be the underlying theme to this entire process. Know you will be OK. If you approach love with peace–you are in harmony—you are confident—and that is attractive to others. If you approach love or a person with intensity—you will push him or her away. Have you ever chased someone away?—or have you ever been chased? It never works on either end—does it? Choose a playful light approach. Just know that the right person is on his or way to you…and you are ready. Trust yourself and your decisions. You’re going to have a wonderful Fall Season filled with Love, Life and Laughter. Just know that…and let it be! Be the change you seek. Be revolutionary!
XOXO, Kelly